Press Release

Statement on President Biden’s Budget

May 28, 2021

Chicago, IL (May 28, 2021) – Earlier today, President Biden released the President’s FY 2022 budget. In response, Alliance for the Great Lakes Director of Federal Relations Donald Jodrey released the following statement:

“The FY 2022 President’s Budget builds on the Administration’s drinking and wastewater infrastructure proposal and continues the theme of investing in America including programs that are critical here in the Great Lakes.

The budget includes $4.9 million for the Army Corps of Engineers to carry out design work for the Brandon Road Lock and Dam project which is critical to stopping the spread of invasive carp towards the Great Lakes.

In addition, $500,000 is included in the Corps’ budget to initiate the Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study which will assist states in dealing with fluctuating water levels and climate change.

We also note that the budget includes an additional $10 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative which will fund the program at $340 million and we are hopeful that Congress will increase that program further and fund it at the authorized level of $375 million.”


Media contact: Jennifer Caddick,