What is a goal of Great Lakes restoration? Restoring habitat for fish and wildlife Reducing threats to people’s health Improving local economies All of the aboveThe most important program supporting Great Lakes restoration is a federal program known as GLRI. What does GLRI stand for? Great Lakes – Really Incredible Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Great Lakes – Ready to Inspire What type of on-the-ground Great Lakes restoration projects does the GLRI support?Cleaning up legacy pollution and toxic sediments Habitat restoration Actions to prevent the spread and establishment of invasive species Addressing non-point source pollution that feeds harmful algal blooms All of the aboveHow many restoration projects has the GLRI funded in the Great Lakes region?431981,200More than 7,563 What is the economic benefit of GLRI projects? Each $1 spent produces $3.35 of additional economic activity Each $1 spent produces quality-of-life improvements worth $1.08 to coastal community residents Each $1 spent generates $1.62 in additional economic activity in tourism-related industries All of the above