Take the Next Step to Stop Plastic Pollution

Thank you for volunteering with Adopt-a-Beach! Did you know that 86% of the litter on Great Lakes beaches is partially or fully made of plastic? By picking up litter today, you are part of the solution to plastic pollution!

But our work doesn’t stop at the shoreline. Keep up the momentum by telling your elected officials you want them to address plastic pollution too.

Plastic pollution is a huge problem in the Great Lakes. Researchers estimate that more than 22 million pounds of plastic end up in the Great Lakes every year. Plastic never really goes away. Instead, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces known as “microplastics.”

Microplastics have been found in human blood, lungs, stool, and even breast milk. A growing body of research is identifying the human health impacts and costs caused by plastic. And microplastics are harmful to wildlife, too.

Tell Congress to keep plastic pollution out of the Great Lakes by supporting these 3 important bills:

  • Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
  • Farewell to Foam Act
  • Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

You can add to the letter below or say in your own words why you want Congress to protect the Great Lakes from plastic pollution. You could even mention the plastic you found at your beach cleanup!