Spring may have only just decided to arrive, but Adopt-a-Beach volunteers are already turning out in force. Nearly 1,000 volunteers have collected over 5,000 pounds of litter. And the numbers just keep growing as more data is reported.
See the progress towards our 2022 goal of half a million pounds.

“It’s been rainy and cold, sunny and beautiful. From lakes Ontario to Superior, volunteers showed up in all types of weather,” says Juliann Krupa, Volunteer Engagement Manager, Alliance for the Great Lakes. “So many committed individuals across the Great Lakes have joined together to keep our beaches clean and spread the word about plastic pollution. It’s truly inspiring. Thank you to all our spring volunteers and an advance thank you to everyone who comes out this summer!”
Read more about Adopt-a-Beach volunteers and the beaches they care for:
- Adopt-A-Beach Clean-ups held along Lake Erie in Cleveland this weekend, News 19 (Cleveland CBS-TV), Jeff Slawson, 4/19
- Beach cleanups: Help keep plastic out of the Great Lakes, WOOD-TV (Grand Rapids NBC-TV), Madalyn Buursma, 4/21
- Earth Day 2022: Young Chicagoans reflect on efforts to help the planet. Eyewitness News (Chicago ABC-TV), Stacey Baca, 4/22
- Learning Outside the Classroom: Volunteer Spotlight. Alliance for the Great Lakes, 4/22
- Volunteers celebrate Earth Day weekend with beach clean-up at Wendy Park (photos), Cleveland.com, John Kuntz, 4/24
- Cleanup combers: Beach work collects 100 pounds of trash. ObserverToday.com (Dunkirk, NY), Anthony Dolce, 4/27