We’ve set an ambitious new goal: recruit 1,000 new beach cleanup volunteers this year.

Learn how you can help

Protecting Water, Sustaining Life

The Alliance for the Great Lakes is a nonpartisan nonprofit working across the region to protect our most precious resource: the fresh, clean, and natural waters of the Great Lakes.

Advocacy & Leadership

We partner with communities and decision makers to develop actionable solutions that protect the lakes and our communities.

Research & Analysis

Our research and analysis inform community leaders and guide policy to protect the Great Lakes.

Education & Action

We support people and communities in protecting the lakes by providing action-oriented information and programs.

Join a Beach Cleanup

Each year thousands of volunteers clean up beaches on all five Great Lakes. Adopt-a-Beach volunteers are on the front lines of keeping litter, most of it plastic, out of our lakes

Join a Beach Cleanup Host Your Own Cleanup