From Shore to Shore: A Year of Impact: 2023 Annual Report

Thanks to your support in 2023, we’ve accomplished some major victories:

  • Great Lakes Restoration: We successfully championed a $368 million funding boost, vital for restoring the health and vitality of our regional ecosystem.
  • Clean Water for Communities: We led the charge in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana to advance solutions to sewage overflows, flooding and drinking water challenges.
  • Invasive Species Control: We rallied to secure full local funding for the Brandon Road project, the most critical defense against invasive carp threatening our waters.

Download the Alliance for the Great Lakes 2023 Annual Report, which includes a message from our President & CEO Joel Brammeier, a report on the Alliance’s finances, and more.

Donate to Protect the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes hold 20% of the world’s supply of surface freshwater and provide drinking water to 40 million people in the region. Your support will help protect these lakes and preserve their legacy of clean water for generations.

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