The leadership of the Alliance for the Great Lakes reflects its commitment to ensuring a thriving future for both the lakes and the communities that rely on them. At this year’s annual board retreat, we welcomed new leadership dedicated to advancing our mission: to protect, conserve, and restore the Great Lakes, ensuring healthy water for people and wildlife. Board members provide critical strategic guidance to the organization and represent a wide range of interests and expertise from around the Great Lakes region.
New Chair, Officers Elected
Laura Payne assumes the role of Board Chair, joined by Nicole Chavas as Nominations Chair, Tim Frick as Treasurer, and David Hackett as Vice Chair for Development. Each new officer brings a unique perspective to help strengthen our efforts to safeguard clean and accessible water, restore resilience to the lakes, and elevate local voices in decision-making.

Exiting Officers
As we celebrate new leadership, we also honor the contributions of Jo-Elle Mogerman, who served as Board Chair for 3 years, and Tom Langmyer, Nominations Chair for two years. Vanessa Tey Iosue, Vice Chair for Policy and Daniel Guzman also concluded their terms earlier this year, each having brought invaluable insight and leadership to their roles on the board. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Susan McDermott, who concluded her term as Treasurer. Susan continues to serve on our board, and we are grateful for her dedication and leadership as an officer.

Joel Brammeier, the Alliance’s President & CEO, shared his gratitude: “The heart of our mission beats with the dedication of leaders like those departing, and we are excited to welcome new officers who will continue our efforts to create a future where all communities can rely on the Great Lakes for generations to come.”
For a complete listing of the Alliance for the Great Lakes directors and officers, visit our Board of Directors page.