Research & Analysis
Our research and analysis inform community leaders and guide policy to protect the Great Lakes.
Reports & case studies
Adopt-a-Beach: 20 Years of Great Lakes Litter Data (April 2024). Analysis of 20 years of beach cleanup data that reveals the prevalence of plastic pollution on Great Lakes shorelines, with recommended solutions.
Magnitude and Cost of BMP Implementation: Strategic Planning for Michigan’s Priority Subwatersheds (April 2024). A study of the costs and land management practices needed to reduce nutrient runoff in Michigan, primarily from agriculture, that causes harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.
Models of Shared Service Arrangements in Stormwater Governance (June 2023). How government agencies can coordinate to solve systemic stormwater problems while still achieving their individual mandates.
The Cost to Meet Water Quality Goals in the Western Basin of Lake Erie (February 2023). Highlights the costs and additional agricultural practices needed to meet Ohio and Michigan’s public commitment to cut by 40% the runoff that causes algal blooms in Lake Erie.
Western Lake Erie Basin Drinking Water Systems: Harmful Algal Bloom Cost of Intervention (May 2022). Shows that water bills are higher in communities that pull drinking water from Lake Erie due to harmful algal blooms caused by upstream agricultural pollution.
Calumet Connect Databook (January 2021). Provides community-led research and recommendations to guide agency development of sustainable policies and plans in the Calumet Industrial Corridor of Chicago along the Calumet River.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure in the Right-of-Way: 5 Case Studies (September 2020). Shows how five cities have developed policies, programs, design guidelines, and more to help them achieve economic and environmental goals for green stormwater infrastructure in streets.
Water & Sewer Service Affordability in Ohio Assessment & Opportunities for State Policy (November 2019). Assesses the affordability of basic drinking water and sewer utility service for low-income households in the state of Ohio.
Other resources
Expanded Water Quality Monitoring in the Western Lake Erie Watershed (2024-2029). A water monitoring network in Southeast Michigan to help understand and track nutrient pollution, primarily from agriculture, that causes harmful algal blooms. The data will allow for better targeting of limited conservation funding and efforts.
Plastic Free Great Lakes Toolkit (July 2024). Information about where Great Lakes plastic pollution comes from, some of the effects of plastic pollution, solutions – including policies that are already working to reduce plastic pollution – and how people can advocate in their communities for policies that will make a difference.