Diving Deep for Solutions 

A look at big issues facing the lakes today

The Great Lakes are ecologically complex. And they share that complexity with the political, economic, and social systems that intersect with the lakes and the people who rely on them. From climate change to failing water infrastructure to invasive species, the challenges facing our region and the systems that need to change to address those challenges can feel overwhelming.  

But that’s why we are here. Solutions exist and need champions. And working together, we can all be a part of a future with thriving Great Lakes and healthy water for all. 

To help us dive deep into solutions, we commissioned author and journalist Kari Lydersen to examine big issues facing the lakes today and how our expert team at the Alliance for the Great Lakes is growing to meet the moment. We’re inspired by the creative solutions our team works on each day. And we hope you are too. 

Putting an end to plastic pollution

Fighting plastic pollution at the root – slashing the amount of plastic that is produced and used

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Keeping out new invasive species

Years of advocacy bring substantial new protections

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Finding solutions to agricultural pollution

Agriculture is a major economic engine in the Great Lakes, and poses the greatest threat to their waters

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Getting Great Lakes water to the people

Residents of our Great Lakes states are surrounded by freshwater, yet for many, access to clean, safe, and affordable water is impacted by historic disinvestment or lack of local resources to improve infrastructure.

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